Chess and how to play it

Chess is a board game. It is played with 2 players. It is easier to teach you how to play chess in person but I will try to do it here. Here is a picture of a chess board.

 Here is a picture of the pieces. We will start from the left and go right. The first one is a pawn. There are 8 pawns in a chess game. They are on the front line. The front line has one line in between of it and the edge. They only can move one forward other than when they capture a piece. When they capture a piece they only can go diagonal one space. On your first move you move a pawn 1 or 2 spaces. The second one is a rook. There are 2. There are one on each edge. They can go in any direction as many times it can go until the rook either hits another players piece or stops next to his own piece. They can not go diagonal. The next one down is a knight. The go in a L they go two and then one space or one and then two. There are two of them. The next is a bishop. Whichever color space it starts on it goes diagonally from. It can go nearly the whole board. It only can go 1 space less than the whole board. The next is a queen. It can go any number of spaces in any direction. Next is a king it is the same as a queen but it only can go 1 space in any direction. That is how you play chess. I hope you understand what I just wrote because it was hard to explain. Bye!

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6 thoughts on “Chess and how to play it”

  1. Hi Edward,
    I think you did a great job explaining how each of the pieces can move. Maybe in your next post you can explain the object of the game and how you are able to win.
    How often do you play chess? I think it is a great game!
    Thanks for sharing it with the class.
    ♜Mrs. Eaves

  2. Maybe we can get our parents set up chess so that we can play one another online.


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